Wednesday 25 January 2012

And the day after the big house move. Garage and foundation left - next step, to move those. Getting closer.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

24th Jan 2012
Congrats to Arthur and Helen for going along at 2am & for taking these awesome photos!
You guys rock!

Weeeee heeeeee........... turning corner......... oooooohhhhhh

And off they go!

Sunday 22 January 2012

23rd Jan 2012 Continued...
House on truck - how awesome!

Closer look at the truck under the house...

Even closer look...

Massive trucks on each side of the split house. Wow!

The back of the house on the trucks, all ready to go at 2am, Tues 24th Jan 2012.

23rd Jan 2012


and Up - reminds me of the gorgeous animated movie, "UP".

House cut down the middle.

2 of these trucks will take each section of the house away.

Arthur and Helen and the House

Ta.... dah...

Wednesday 18 January 2012

18th Jan 2012
Day 1: Preparing the house to move it off the property.
One man arrived in this truck and did the most amazing job of...

Cutting the roof on the inside of the house, then nailing beams up to create braces, so that when they chop the roof off and split the house, the ceiling won't collapse in.
So interesting!

19th Jan 2012
Day 2: Front decking taken off and holes broken into the foundation.

Under the house.

Back decking also being broken down.

Fence taken out &
bushes and trees chopped down
Dec 2011

Original house